

All Rivers Eventually Flow into the Ocean

In Bergson's philosophy, perception is an activity of life, and life itself is a flow of past, present, and future. Thus, perception is inevitably layered with history, which we call memory. Memory stores life's experiences, continually adding to the content of our existence. Just as time can be divided into two forms, memory also has two kinds: "mechanical memory" and "pure memory." A past memory may eventually fade from pure memory, but the act of remembering itself might become an enduring, mechanical memory.

All Rivers Eventually Flow into the Ocean is a photography-based interactive sound video. The three photographs originate from a road trip, which also marked a fractured intimate relationship. One day, when I looked back at these photos, I realized that my pure memory of that time was blurred—perhaps because I didn't truly want to recall it. This work uses simple interactions to make the objective images appear indistinct, and as the poetry plays, those vague memories are "awakened."

Just like how all rivers eventually flow into the ocean, it's impossible to distinctly remember every moment, but the lasting emotions endure forever.


*Recommended: Select at least 4K quality for best viewing 

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